How to exchange NMT to NFTMart mainnet

4 min readOct 13, 2021


NMT is initially launched on the Ethereum chain. If you want to participate in validating nodes or nominators, or invest in NFT assets on NFTMart in the future, you have to cross-chain the NMT on the Ethereum chain to the NFTMart main chain. For this reason, the NFTMart team has developed a set of decentralized cross-chain acceptance tools to help everyone exchange NMT issued by ERC20 on the Ethereum chain to the NFTMart chain across the chain. The current cross-chain only supports ETH → NFTMart one-way cross-chain.

  • Note: The current cross-chain is one-way, and two-way cross-chain is not yet supported. Because many exchanges are still based on NMT on Ethereum, if there is a short-term transaction demand, please do not cross-chain for the time being.
  1. Visit, in the pop-up MetaMask link prompt, click “Next”. If it does not pop up, you can click “CONNECT WALLET”;

2. In the next pop-up window, click “Connect”

3. Fill in the address under “To Native Address” on the NFTMart main chain. Fill in the amount of NMT that needs to be cross-chain in “Swap Amount”. Then click “Swap” to start cross-chain operation.

4. When you cross-chain for the first time, you will be prompted that authorization is required, and click “CONFIRM” to confirm authorization;

5. On the pop-up confirmation page, click “Confirm”. Please pay attention to the payment fee. This is the GAS fee for on-chain operations and is collected by the blockchain. If it is too high, you can do it another time.

6. After the authorization operation is successful, the cross-chain can be officially started (considering the actual situation of block congestion, the time may be relatively long and please wait patiently);

7. When the authorized transaction is completed, the following will be displayed, showing “Approve Success” (it will not be displayed if you refresh the page);

8. Fill in the cross-chain NMT quantity, and then click “SWAP” again

9. On the pop-up confirmation page, click “Confirm”. Please pay attention to the payment fee. This is the GAS fee for on-chain operations and is collected by the blockchain. If it is too high, you can do it another time or click “Edit” to modify.

10. After submitting, wait for the transaction to succeed

11. After the submission is successful, it will be shown like this. Then wait for about 10 minutes to receive the mainnet airdrop.

12. Within about 10 minutes, you can see the NMT accepted by the mainnet

About NFTMart

NFTMart is a marketplace for NFTs based on the Substrate Framework.

It’s a fractional trading NFTs marketplace in the Polkadot ecosystem, with our own public chain. and we commit to being the most professional NFT marketplace in the world.

NFTMart is committed to being a low-cost-to-participate NFT marketplace, which provides users with NFT issuance and transaction services.

It is divided into two parts:

The first part is an open and decentralized NFT public chain, which delivers the issuance of NFTs and transaction data on the chain.

The second part is which we provide a fun, simple, accessible transaction experience for all. NFTMart is taking steps toward developing itself into a decentralized autonomous organization.

NFTMart will also establish an ecological fund to support third parties to expand NFTMart through interfaces, contracts, and other methods to achieve a more diversified NFT+ ecosystem.

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NFTmart is committed to becoming the world’s most professional decentralized NFT trading market.